[sbopkg-discuss] Nearing 0.11.0 release

Chess Griffin chess at chessgriffin.com
Wed Sep 10 13:18:51 UTC 2008


I am getting close to releasing version 0.11.0 of sbopkg.  The main
new feature is now an ability to install a built package when using
the dialog interface.  I have mentioned several times in the past that
this was a feature I was hesitant to include, but after many, _many_
requests for it, I finally caved.  :-)  Currently, this feature is
only available in the dialog interface and not in the cli (although
that will come later).  The way it works is pretty nifty.  If sbopkg
finds a package for a particular piece of software, then a new menu
item will automagically appear in the info menu that allows the user
to install the package.

So, if you have a chance to test the SVN version, please do so and let
me know how it works.


Chess Griffin
GPG Public Key: 0x0C7558C3

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