The latest version of sbopkg is version 0.38.3 and you can download the latest package or source tarball from this page.
- Package: A pre-built Slackware package of the latest version of sbopkg can be downloaded here.
(MD5: 5a631da594a5f7b0710be2e7af63ebf7)
(SHA1: 2dcac65e3bfc22eef2190fc91781eb5fe635a9ce)
(SHA256: b8de23f069ee48800e198007ba25df25bfa8f92ff5705e852b1b1cab58523355) - Source: The source tarball of the latest version can be downloaded here.
(MD5: a615a9887d11653e3dbd647ae70b7e2b)
(SHA1: 2f237c1dbd1b5748e5b370e7501de46476d4a44a)
(SHA256: a84c6bd5242905955d1ec5bb69341b9b4f7f29e5b2119b29dcaaff43831baf6a) - ChangeLog: You can view the ChangeLog here.
- Older packages and source tarballs are available on this page or via this site.
The sbopkg packages can be installed or upgraded like any other Slackware package:
installpkg sbopkg-version-noarch-1_wsr.tgz
upgradepkg sbopkg-version-noarch-1_wsr.tgz
When upgrading, please be sure to read the updated and merge any changes into your exisiting sbopkg.conf file.