[sbopkg-users] Enhancement request: queue files

slakmagik slakmagik at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 20:39:07 UTC 2012

On 2012-11-16 (Fri) 09:46:19 [+0530], Charles wrote:
> Hello :-)
> In /usr/doc/sbopkg-<version>/README-queuefiles, how about explaining
> comment lines and empty -- or is it ^[ \t]*$ -- lines?
> How about allowing a comment on the end of data lines?  For example:
> <package name> [ | <build options> ] [ # <comment text> ]
> and
> @<queue name> [ # <comment text> ]
> This would be useful in queue files with many package names when
> ordering the packages by name (within pre-req constraints) helps
> eliminate duplicate entries.  When comments associated with a package
> must appear on a separate line, the list must be manually sorted.

Queuefiles should either be generated (commentless) or hand-crafted (so
hand-sorted (unless simply reversed through sbopkg's UI)) and sbopkg
already checks for and skips duplicates so you don't need to worry about

That said, it has sort of bothered me on general principle that we don't
allow for such comments and we do have two different functions for the
same basic purpose, one of which *does* allow for trailing comments
(can_skip_line() and stripcom()). So that'll likely be changed soon.
Thanks for the suggestion.

And we work hard to give sbopkg the best documentation we can and I'm
still occasionally amazed at what's missing. That'll definitely be added
and thanks very much for pointing it out. In answer to your question,
it's "blank" more than "empty" as can_skip_line() practically checks for
'^[ \t]*$' and stripcom() literally does.

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