[sbopkg-users] Blacklist File (Chess Griffin)

slakmagik slakmagik at gmail.com
Sat May 28 19:18:36 UTC 2011

On 2011-05-28 (Sat) 19:50:06 [+0100], Quinn Wood wrote:
> Digest mode was on, I wasn't sure how to reply normally to your
> message.

I understand that but, to just not give you a break, please don't
top-post, either. ;) Among other things, it makes it impossible for me
to trim, yet include the previous person's text.

> I do understand the ability exists to make another repository, but
> that's just a workaround. I'd rather temporarily do that than
> permanently do it.

It's not a "workaround". If you are permanently maintaining a package
outside of SBo, then it's not an SBo package but is your own special
local one. Local has more than one use, but that's one of them.
Basically, if you want to tweak a package and see it, customize its
options and/or edit its SlackBuild and .info file. If you want to tweak
a package (or radically mangle one or add new ones or whatever) and not
see it in an SBo context, create it as a local package.

Also, when you say you want a thing excluded, what all do you have in
mind? When you browse into SBo's 'multimedia', you don't want to see
that flash exists? Or you just don't want to see it in the update list?
Or what?

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